Right Here, Right Now

“Man announces he will quit drinking by 2050,” declared a satirical article from The Shovel.  Humour undoubtedly cuts through “blah blah blah” to deliver a damning verdict of COP26 procrastination.

There is nothing wrong with long-term targets.  Nobody can flip a switch to reach a net-zero overnight.  But it is increasingly important to show progress.

Do not just communicate your goal for 2050, or even 2030.  Show where you aim to be next year.  Tell stakeholders what you are doing today.

We will not have to wait long for the next COP.  Egypt is already gearing up to host the summit, which is less than a year away.  Pledges made earlier this month will be scrutinised.  Progress will be monitored.  If no movement has been made towards long-term targets, prepare for ridicule.

So, don’t stand still.  Plan where you want to be by November 2022, when delegates gather to negotiate and prevaricate.  Match their targets.  Go one better.  Ensure your objectives meaningfully address the short term; define goals for the subsequent 12 months.

Many future net-zero ambitions rely on technology or innovation that hasn’t yet been commercialised.  Carbon capture and storage has yet to be used at scale.  There’s uncertainty around whether it ever can be. 

Waiting until 2030 – or even 2023 – for tech rescue is too complacent.  Assume there isn’t a silver bullet.  Tomorrow’s target demands action today. 


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