Digital Dash

We increasingly exist, communicate and deal online. Emerging technologies offer exciting opportunities to evolve and enhance your business. Focus on behavioural change to unlock wider benefits for your organisation.

In October 2021, there were 4.88 billion active internet users worldwide. That’s just shy of 62% of the world’s total population. Of those users, 222 million came online over the last 12 months.

The most successful businesses of recent decades recognised early the potential of connectivity and built their organisations to match the digital experience. Today, older legacy businesses realise they needed to play catch up, fast.

Too often, though, management teams confuse digital transformation with a bottom-up approach of updating methods of working with new applications, software and systems. Setting a business strategy and delegating responsibility to a Chief Technology Officer to retrofit available technology misses the real opportunity.

Digital transformation filters through to every aspect of business. Blockchain can help your recruit more effectively with verifiable records. AI can reduce accounting errors and free up your finance team to focus on high-level activities. Big data allows you to better understand your strategic partners and customers.

The real power of emerging technologies is their ability to enable behavioural change, to tackle inertia and empower people to think differently and work smarter.

To future-proof your business, take time to learn about new technologies and take ownership for their application. CEOs don’t have to be born digitally-literate to take advantage of innovation. The most successful ones learn to understand technology on the job.

Think beyond streamlining your back-office. Build understanding of the latest technology into your strategy. Transform your organisation into one able to extract real value from the latest technologies and prepare for lasting success.


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