Lucky Lunar

It is dark, it is cold, 2023 may not be going to plan. 

Dry January may have turned into dry-ish or even damp January. The gym may have already jogged on. But don’t despair. A wobble on the wagon does not mean you cannot start again. 

Good or bad, moments in time pass. Economies, shares, GDP go up and they go down. 

In The Williams Nicolson Trend Index we said as the world speeds up, business leaders need to slow down. That you would need to strap yourself in for a bumpy ride.  

Last weekend saw the beginning of the celebrations for the Lunar New Year. Good news – it is the year of the rabbit – the luckiest of all the Chinese zodiac animals. Street parades, celebrations, food enjoyed by friends and families. A new dawn.  It is also tradition to clean the house at Chinese New Year to rid the household of any bad luck.  

So think of this as your second chance. You did not fail at your 2023 goal. You simply started again with more insight and experience. 

The water rabbit is easy going and amicable so step back, reassess and adjust.  Reward progress over perfection.  It is impossible to control all external forces but you can control how you respond to them. 

The Chinese word for crisis is interchangeable with opportunity. Embrace this and find the good in every given situation.  


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