Claire Foster Claire Foster

The New Humility

Strategy should always be provisional. You still don’t know what you don’t know.  Dedicate a healthy proportion of focus and resources to explore the new.

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Lucy Walton Lucy Walton

Loss and Damage

There is a clear requirement to think about the impact of our operations on others - or be held accountable.

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Lucy Walton Lucy Walton

Actions Speak Louder

Public ESG commitments need a plan. Publish the small steps and cultural increments, as well as the loud headline targets.

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Fraser Schurer-Lewis Fraser Schurer-Lewis

Better Business Behaviour

The IPO market is effectively closed for new listings as the economy continues to grapple with rising inflation, geopolitical tensions and market volatility. But if you are waiting for the right conditions to float, consider acting as if listed now.

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Lucy Walton Lucy Walton

One step ahead

Cybersecurity incidents, such as ransomware attacks, phishing and data breaches, are on the rise globally. But as risk evolves, so do tools for defence. Act before a cyber security breach causes financial and reputational damage.

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Steffan Williams Steffan Williams

No Joke

The role of the jester was not to amuse but rather to tell the truth.  Our boards and teams must speak up. Creating a culture safe enough for contrarian views defines success.

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Lucy Walton Lucy Walton

Healthy Boundaries

Biodiversity is the fastest developing ESG theme in global capital markets. Maintain planetary boundaries.

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Steffan Williams Steffan Williams

Tech IPOs have led the listings charge

The IPO market has been subdued in the first half of 2022 as the market entered bear conditions. However, there is a strong pipeline of IPOs, with tech expected to continue to lead the charge in terms of the number of deals.

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Lucy Walton Lucy Walton

Systems Thinking

Adopt systems thinking to fully understand and minimise the impacts of the energy crisis on your business.

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Louise Nicolson Louise Nicolson

Social Climbing

As we face another national crisis, social responsibility is moving decisively up the business agenda. It is the perfect time to demonstrate your purpose in action. What will you do?

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Lucy Walton Lucy Walton

Waste Not, Want Not

Movement towards a circular economy brings an opportunity to embed economic value creation as part of a sustainable future. 

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Lucy Walton Lucy Walton

Winds of change

The battle for Number Ten is down to two candidates and the cost of living and energy crisis has become the key issue. It’s not only a hot topic for the leadership race. There are further regulations coming into force.

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Fraser Schurer-Lewis Fraser Schurer-Lewis

Here’s the deal

An IPO can often do as much for a company’s reputation and profile as it can for raising funds. It can be the biggest communications opportunity a company has ever had. Owned, earned, and paid media are equally important.

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Williams Nicolson Williams Nicolson

Social Impact

It is not just for political rants or Love Island fans. Social media is increasingly being used for Capital Markets communications. Harnessing the digitalisation of communication effectively can impact your bottom line considerably.

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Claire Foster Claire Foster

Home truths

Having long-term hybrid and flexible working policies is a key benefit for attracting a more diverse workforce. Gen Z won’t settle for anything less than hybrid according to McKinsey.

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Claire Foster Claire Foster

Think differently

Gender reporting has become an established element of corporate ESG activity since gender pay gap reporting regulations were introduced in 2017. But creating a diverse organisation takes far more than a gender parity mindset.

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Claire Foster Claire Foster

Green Is Not The Only Colour

Why has ESG become interchangeable with The Environment, when governance has the longest track record and predictability of success?  

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Lucy Walton Lucy Walton

Turning Tide?

Whilst no metric is currently available to detect greenwashing, authorities and activists are interrogating companies’ sustainability claims to test the reliability of sustainability indices.

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