First, not last

The first female first minister has resigned. The surprise news from Scotland as the longest serving first minister said she would step down from the ‘very best job in the world’.

Sturgeon was divisive on a number of issues. She was a strong instigator of Scottish independence and Donald Trump bids 'good riddance' to 'failed woke extremist'.  But she saw the country through some tough times. She moved before Boris throughout the pandemic and is praised for her plain speaking and approachability. 

She cited ‘personal reasons’ for her departure. Just three weeks after insisting there was “plenty left in the tank”, Nicola Sturgeon’s shock announcement revealed the personal toll she said eight years had exacted on her and her loved ones. 

Leadership can be brutal and demanding. Visibility can be a curse in any role. Yesterday, Evening Standard city editor discussed the toil and trauma that his female counterparts endure.  

He is often criticised for being a brexiteer, remainer, leftie, communist, capitalist. His politics bears the brunt. But for his female colleagues its more personal, abusive, often threatening. A recent report revealed that three in four female journalists suffered online abuse, which had in turn affected their careers and Guardian political editor Pippa Crerar has urged journalists to complete this  online harms questionnaire

It was only a few weeks ago when Jacinda Ardern said. “I am human. Politicians are human. We give all that we can for as long as we can. And then it’s time. And for me, it’s time.”  

Ardern when elected was the youngest female world leader and was praised for her compassion and strength after the Christchurch terror attacks, faced a significant increase in threats of violence, particularly from conspiracy theorists and anti-vaccine groups infuriated by the country’s vaccine mandates and lockdowns. 

Rosie Campbell, a professor of politics and director of the Global Institute of Leadership at King’s College London, believes female politicians are more vulnerable to abuse in this environment. Whoever replaces Nicola we should all be aware of depleting tanks. Leadership can be lonely and exhausting.  

Identifying burnout is difficult, admitting it publicly is brave. Your health is your wealth so protect it at all costs.    



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