Now We Are Six

Steffan: “And so, Williams Nicolson is six months old. Time has zoomed (deliberate pun) by and yet it feels as if we have already crammed in years of developments and achievements.

“From January, we set ourselves the goal of delivering the highest quality service to our clients and, so far, we think we’ve met that challenge. We’ve also grown steadily whilst resisting the temptation to pursue revenue. We have developed and delivered a new approach to ESG communications - every company we’ve shared it with so far has signed up.

"All of this is, of course, thanks to our wonderful clients and team. From a lockdown project for two, we have grown to eight, buoyed by a top-class team of Special Advisors. Our brilliant Chairman, Nick Bowers (allegedly non-executive) is with us every morning at our team briefing. Paul Kelly, Paul Newman and Phil McManus encourage us with their superb counsel every week.

“But I must single out my business partner, Louise, for special praise and thanks. Lou has worked unbelievably hard but, more than that, has been inspirational, creative and commercial.

“Our business has achieved more than we could have reasonably expected, but there is no room for complacency. I can’t wait to see what the next six months will bring.”

Louise: “Much lies ahead of us. Steffan and I have both built businesses before so we know what it takes. It will take focus, tenacity and patience. It will also take trust, generosity and grace to navigate inevitable issues.

“But we love this bit: a business at the very beginning. We’re turning our plans into progress. We’re building a brilliant team with Fraser, Oly, Monica, Claire, Lucy and Annabel – and more to follow.

“So much has been written about the terms and conditions and challenges of the future of work. We’re not sure it’s that complicated.

“At Williams Nicolson, we ask each team member – just as Steff and I ask each other - to focus, beyond our own concerns and careers, on our colleagues’ and clients’ success, on the success of the business as a whole. This is collective entrepreneurship in action. And we have put our money where our mouth is. In the next six months, we’ll launch an employee investment trust so every one of us has a share in the business we are building.

“This way, together, we will build something that’s more than the sum of the talents within. Most importantly, we will meet the daily challenges faced by our clients as they deal, change, grow and lead.”

Williams Nicolson is hiring. Contact for information.


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