Meet Williams, Meet Nicolson

Steffan: “I’ve known Louise for about five years and we’ve spent much of that time talking about the company we’d set up one day.  Now we are here.     

“Have you met Louise?  I describe her as funny, super smart, loyal to her friends, charming, industrious and full of insights.  People are drawn to her.  They trust her and they’re right to do so.  Her track record speaks for itself.  She’s advised companies and organisations of all sizes across a myriad of situations.  Nothing phases her.  She’s built a business from scratch and then sold it and she’s a fine writer whose first book is in all good bookshops right now (go buy it!)   

“Outside work, she’s passionate about her family and her friends.  She loves red wine, running, meals out, current affairs, travel and style.  The great thing about working with Louise again is that we get on so well but we’re very different in many ways.  Different but complementary.” 

Louise: “Time to meet Steffan.  While the rest of us must accept six degrees of separation, I suspect Steff’s network boasts two-degree immediacy.  He has connected people, without agenda, for decades.  He is the first to offer a confidential ear, the first with wise counsel when the circumstances demand it.  This is hard-won counsel, honed through 25 years practice, through the growth and sale of his own business.  His loyal clients have built their success on it.  Steff’s generosity is legendary.  His stories fill the room.  Never was there a better qualified wine columnist!   

“Outside work, beyond London, you’ll find a relentlessly proud Welshman, smoking a cigar as a reward for a cycle ride; you’ll find a family man itching to get back to Carmarthenshire.  

“The very first time we spoke, I was pacing my friend’s kitchen, considering whether I should move back to my home city.  Over the course of that hour, our conversation shifted from interview posturing, to sketching a remarkably similar vision to better serve clients with ‘Goldman’ quality counsel, to empower home teams instead of creating the usual agency dependencies.  It wasn’t to happen straight away.  We worked together, we worked separately.  The plan for Williams Nicolson took shape over five years, three agencies and a book deal.  And today is the day.   

“We’re back together and we’re ready to offer you something completely different.  Will you join us?”   



The Year ESG Grew Up